ROC Transitions
Helping complex young people live independently.
Feedback from transitions young people

We offer solo placement therapeutic supported accommodation for care leavers aged 16-17 who need extra support to secure an improved quality of life and their own tenancies.
Each house is staffed 24/7 by carefully selected/matched specialist key workers and the service works closely with social workers and other agencies such as CAHMS. Our work is based on trauma-informed practice and Positive Behaviour Support.
​The thoughts, wishes and feelings of young people are at the very centre of this bespoke outcomes-focused service. They are supported to access employment, training and education and to learn how to stay safe, be emotionally, physically and mentally healthy and run a home.

All referrals and admissions are part of the care planning process and robust local authority risk assessments are required.
Post 18s may have the opportunity to stay in their home and have support transferred to ROC Solid supported housing.